Cars With Good Gas Mileage - Squeeze That Dollar!

In today's economy, with gas pushing toward 5 dollars a gallon, some of you may be wondering what are some of the cars with good gas mileage? Good question and after doing some research I found some answers for you. Here is what I came up with.

Keeping in mind the goal of not giving up safety, comfort and the overall enjoyment of driving a nice car I present to you vehicles that not only look good, and are fun to drive but save you fuel in the process. These are in no particular order.

Ford Focus
2008 Model
EPA city/highway mpg: 24/35 with a manual, 24/33 with an automatic

In the past only import cars would be on this list but in recently years some domestic car companies have stepped up to the challenge of producing good gas mileage cars. The Ford Focus is one such car. For many the Focus is kind of a trade off with above average gas mileage ratings and decent price. Being designed by Ford's European division it has European flair and is down right fun to drive.

Honda Fit
2007 Model
EPA city/highway mpg: 28/34 with a manual, 27/34 with an automatic

Honda motor company has always seemed to have their eye on the pulse of what people want in a car and the Fit is no exception. Honda's engineers have designed a car with a very balanced interior space. Taking in consideration room for tall drivers and plenty of cargo bay space. Another car that is fun to drive with excellent fuel economy as well.

Honda Civic
2007 Model
EPA city/highway mpg: 26/34 with a manual, 25/36 with an automatic, 40/45 hybrid

It seems like Honda has been making the Civic forever and each year they excel at beating last years model.
The civic is know for squeezing gasoline until it cries, which puts it at the top of the list of cars with good gas mileage. They accomplish this with even a non-hybrid automatic transmission car. The Civic is no bum when it comes to interior room or safety features either. Going even further you can also get a hybrid version of the Civic for greater gas savings.

Nissan Altima
2007 Model
EPA city/highway mpg: 23/32 with a manual, 23/31 with an automatic

The Nissan Altima's fuel estimates are impressive for a small car and one would think to achieve this skipping on engine power would be required but not so. Checking in with a big 2.5 liter engine this little car can holds it's own very nicely. Using a variable automatic transmission also produces more power than a conventional automatic.
Good choice in a mid-size car while saving on gas. You really can't go wrong on the Nissan Altima.

Toyota Camry Hybrid
2007 Toyota Camry Hybrid
EPA city/highway mpg: 33/34

Toyota has been know to also produce cars that America loves, so making a Camry Hybrid was a wise decision. When considering a hybrid car make sure you give the Camry Hybrid a serious look. It has a bigger engine than some but boasts some nice fuel savings.

Toyota Prius
2007 Model
EPA city/highway mpg: 45/48

The Prius the car that turned a novel term --hybrid, into a serious option for many people. For this success formula Toyota mixed a wonder styled car with fantastic fuel economy. Both it's roomy, futuristic interior with nice things you would expect from Toyota, all add up to one great car. It is hard to decide which is better with this car, the roomy interior or the great 45 mpg it attains.

Every day the major car makers are getting more serious with creating nice, roomy vehicles that are fun to drive and produce good gas mileage. As the demands for these vehicles increases we will see the prices steady drop on all kinds of cars with good gas mileage. While the choices right now may seem to be limited one should see that change very quickly.

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