Benefits of Using Hydrogen Powered Cars
The number of vehicle users is growing daily in all parts of the world, including developing countries. Since the number of drivers rose, the demand of petrol and diesel is also has also been felt. As we know that these petroleum products are non renewable resources of energy, sooner or later we will have a scarcity situation. Coming to save the environment and make fuel reserves last longer, hydrogen powered cars are the best way to deal with the future scarcity issue.
Hydrogen Powered Cars
Hydrogen is a gas present in our atmosphere, mostly in the bound form, and can be used as a source of fuel to run automobiles. Hydrogen fueled cars have been developed and in the near future everyone will be able to buy one of these vehicles to drive around town. Read on to know some basic facts about them. Hydrogen powered cars, as the names states, run on hydrogen which is a lighter gas that can be found in the top layers of atmosphere. Near ground levels, hydrogen is present only in a chemical bound form, most commonly known as water or H2O. To use it as a source of energy it has to be obtained by burning natural gas like methane or by hydrolysis of water.
Using Hydrogen in Cars
Today's hydrogen powered cars use hydrogen in mostly two ways. Hydrogen fuel cell is the more common of the two. In this form, the hydrogen atom is split into a proton and an electron. The electron is used to create electricity, while the proton combines with oxygen to produce harmless water that is expelled from the car. Hydrogen is also used in internal combustion engines, where it is supplied from a tank in liquid form. Hydrogen in unbounded form is cooled and stored so that it can be filled in a car's tank just like gasoline.
Most of the native hydrogen used for hydrogen powered cars is obtained from burning coal or natural gas, which is not eco friendly. More emphasis has been put on using renewable sources like wind, water etc. Still, vehicles that use gasoline are really a reason to worry because of the harmful effects they have on the environment. On the other hand, these hydrogen powered cars emit only two things: water and heat.
Eco Friendly Vehicles
Hydrogen powered cars represent one of the solutions to keep Planet Earth green and alive. These cars are strong contenders to become the cars of the future. Many leading automobile companies are launching new models every year, but the cost is yet on the higher side. However, you can still get all the benefits of hydrogen powered cars by going for a hydrogen kit which can easily be found on the internet. This kit uses your car's internal combustion engine to run it on hydrogen.
However, if you're not one of those lucky people who can afford to buy one of these hydrogen powered cars that are eco-friendly but expensive, then simply go for the cheaper but just as good version which consists of hydrogen kits. Hydrogen kits are available for any type of car, so go ahead and try to make earth a little bit greener and clear!
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